
(ff) #1

Oakland has the largest proportion of African Americans, while East Palo
Alto has the largest populations of Chicanos/as.
The lines superimposed over the bars indicate the number of times
Baugh was able to successfully make an appointment to see an apartment.
When he spoke ChE, his inquiry calls were successful as few as 20 percent
of the time. The best response to ChE inquiries came from East Palo Alto,
which is also home to the largest proportion of Chicanos. However, even
in East Palo Alto Baugh’s ChE inquiries were successful only 60 percent
of the time. Corollary to this is the fact that even in the two areas where
Anglos are outnumbered by people of color (Oakland and East Palo Alto),
Anglos have better success in booking these appointments.
This is a reminder that housing discrimination is not strictly an Anglo
phenomenon; there are many documented cases of such practices, of
violence and civil rights violations from persons of all races and
ethnicities. Consider the data in Table 17.1 from a study of the relationship
between race/ethnicity and racial stereotypes. Individuals were asked to
judge the ‘unintelligence’ of different groups.

Table 17.1 Los Angelinos from four race/ethnicity groups judge each other on intelligence

Source: adapted from Bonilla-Silva (2010: 191).

Housing Discrimination Toward Muslims

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, brought with them a surge in
discriminatory acts – both passive-aggressive and violent – toward
Americans of Middle Eastern ancestry. The Middle East is considered one
of the Asian nations by the U.S. Census Bureau. In this case
discriminatory focus is primarily on religion.

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