
(ff) #1


2008 presidential campaign see political campaign, 2008

AAE see African American Language
AAVE see African American Language
ABC television 131 , 146 , 230 , 247 , 293 , 297
Abraham, L. 190
accent 45 , 47 , 61
authenticity, 122 , 147 – 148 , 184 – 185
hallucination of foreign hallucination an accent 92 – 96 , 167 , 285 , 291 , 301
mutability 3 , 40 , 47
perception and production 48
reduction 69 , 180 , 226 – 230 , 233 , 251 , 263
Accommodation theory 72 , 75 , 292
Achugar, M. 267 , 279 – 280
Act of Uniformity, England 17
actors and musicians accent imitation, failure of 108
accent training 108 , 229
awareness of linguistic stereotypes 108
non-native English speaking, in the U.S. 108
postvocalic (r) deletion in film, study of 31
The Beatles and temporary adoption of American language markers 42
voice over, casting on the basis of voice recognition 109 , 122
African American English see
African American Language
African American Language acquired as an adult, with L2 errors 185
African American disavowal or rejection of AAL 71 , 109 , 206 – 208
appropriacy arguments about 83 , 184 , 204 – 206
ask/axe variation 190 – 191 , 315 , 332
community loyalty, symbol of 181 – 183 , 194 , 310 – 311
education, compared to Hawai’i Creole English 98
grammatical features 182 – 184
linguistic profiling 122 , 182 , 208 , 211 , 290 , 322 – 331
mis-characterization by linguists 188 , 189
Obama’s use of AAL rhetorical features141, 144
oral (verbal) traditions 182 , 184 – 185 , 198 , 204
origin and history 201
postvocalic (r) deletion 31 , 183
push-pull 202 , 208
regional variation188
socioeconomic class and language 189
“The racial politics of speaking well” 143

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