
(ff) #1

teacher attitudes toward 84
urban and rural AAVE, compared 189
African American Standard English 183 , 185 , 188
African Americans
Great Migration 32 , 182 , 184
middle classes 187 – 188
percent who speak AAVE 84 , 184 , 186
stereotypes promoted by the media 186 – 187
Alabama, postvocalic (r) non-deletion over time 31
Aladdin (Disney animated film) 107 , 112 – 113 , 116 , 122 , 125
Alim, H. S. 26 , 182 , 184 , 210 , 212
All the President’s Men (nonfiction) 135
Allen, M. 143
American English
lexical variation / discourse markers 35 – 37
Northern Cities Vowel Shift 33 – 35
postvocalic (r) deletion 27 – 33
Salvucci map of regional variation 28
strong and weak verbs 37 – 40
American Indian languages see Native American Languages
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (AAADC) 107
Amerindians 263
Amster, R. 89
Ancheta, A.N. 286
Anderson, B. 205
Anglo, use of the term in this book 62
Anglo/Mexican language ideologies 264
Angulo, M. 291
animated film see Disney
anti-discrimination legislation, California, history of 323
anti-immigration 89 , 266 , 272
anti-immigration movements
1905 Anti-Japanese rhetoric 281
1922 The Cable Act 281
Arizona SB 1070 (2010) 272
Arizona HR 2083 272
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) 248
Congressional Act of 1790 28
English-Only in Florida in response to
Cuban immigration 250 , 255
Japanese internment during WWII 249
Yellow Peril 282 , 289 , 299 , 302
yellowface 287 , 289
anti-intellectualism 140 , 148 , see also political campaign, 2008
apostrophes see punctuation Applebome, P. 317
appropriacy arguments 87 , 98
Arango 139
Archibold, R. 272

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