
(ff) #1

Baugh, J. 64 , 80 , 122 , 182 , 196 , 324 – 328
Beauty and the Beast (Disney animated film) 103 – 109 , 114 , 123 , 128
Bennett, W.J. 87
Bernstein, B. 20 , 25 , 83 – 84 , 99 , 135 , see also
deficit theory
Bernstein, C. 135
BEV (Black English Vernacular) see African American Language
Biden, J. 138
Big bad wolf, speaking Yiddish 107 , see also The Three Little Pigs
Black English Vernacular (BEV) see African American Language
Black English see African American Language
Black masculine identity, and linguistic
assimilation 84
Blackface 128 , 289 , 301
bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) 87 , 151 , 196 – 197 , 320 , see also Civil Rights
Act, Title VII
Bourdieu, P. 76 , 130 – 131 , 223
Bratt, K. 271
“Breathing while Brown” Bill in Arizona 272
Brewer, J. 88 , 272
broadcast media ABC 131 , 146 , 230 , 247 , 293 , 297
as agents of socialization 101
assumed effect on regional variation 27
CBS 146 , 254 , 312
CNN 138
FoxNews 136 , 147
Limbaugh, Rush 141 , 144 , 310 , 313
MacNeil-Lehrer Report 147
Media Matters for America 141 , 147
MSNBC 136 , 139 , 142 , 147
National Public Radio (NPR) 27 , 54 , 131 , 145 , 203 , 223 , 277 , 312
NBC 138
news reporters, accent 46 , 52
parody reported as news 138
proof by assertion 144
Public Broadcasting System (PBS) 280
Broadwell, G.A. 279
Brode, D. 127
Brooks, D. 139 – 140
Brown v. Board of Education 271 see also Supreme Court
“brown” and the Mestizo 104 , 146 , 264 , 271 – 272 , 286
Bruch, P. 80
Bucholtz, M. 61 , 76 , 184 , 188
Buescher, D. 103 , 112
Bullock, L. 330
Bush, G. W. 140 – 141 , 301

Calefati, J. 273

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