
(ff) #1

Ohio 41 , 59 , 61 , 92 , 177 , 215
Okamura, J. 157 , 159 , 235 , 239
Olberman, K. 139
Oppenheimer, D. 151 , 322 – 323
Oprah Winfrey 200 , 203 , 208 , 212
Orfield, G. 271 – 272
Ornstein-Galicia, J. 261
Orth, J.L. 92
Orwell, G. 134
Otheguy, R. 261

Padgett, T. 268 – 269 , 277
Pailliotet, A.W. 78
Palin, S. 135 – 140 , 144 , 147 – 148
class warfare, charges of 138 – 140
linguistic inauthenticity, charges of 148
media focus on language performance 136 – 139
native variety of English spoken 136 – 137 , 147 – 148
reactions to use of stigmatized language features 137
satire and parody of Palin 138 – 139
Pandey, A. 321
paralinguistic features 18 – 19
parameters of linguistic variation 39
Park, J. 282 , 285 , 288
parody 137 – 139 , 315 – 316
pen/pin merger 216
Penfield, J. 261
Pennybacker, M. 178 , 235 , 245
performance theory 6 , 136 , 185 , 264 – 265 , 297
performing whiteness 265
perpetual-foreigner syndrome 281 , 290
Perry, T. 212
Pessoa, S. 267 , 279
phonology 7 , 22 , 25 , 44
pidgin see Hawai’i, languages spoken, Creole English (HC)
Pinker, S. 11 , 37 – 38 , 53 , 139
Po, V. 271
Pocahontas (Disney animated film) 103 , 112 , 119 , 127
Pocho, Chicano reference 258
policies, institutionalized 7
political campaign, 2008, see also individual politicians
characteristics of political rationalism (Lakoff) 133
classism 138 , 148
importance of consistent rhetorical strategies 133
inauthenticity, linguistic, presidential campaign 147 – 148
performance element 136 – 137
propaganda 134
rhetorical framing 133 – 134

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