
(ff) #1

Shiffman, K. 137
Shuck, G. 284
Siegel, J. 54 , 99 , 236 , 247
Sigleman, L. 135
Sign Language 5
Silva-Corvalán, C. 278
Silverstein, Michael 32 , 67 – 68 , 71 , 76 – 77 , 101
Simon, B.L. 13
Simpson, R. 9 , 332
simulacra 110
Sioux Nation 97 , see also Native Americans
Skutnabb-Kangas, T. 23
Sledd, J. 68 , 212
SLI see Standard Language Ideology
Smalls, D.L. 182 , 331
Smith, G. 181
Smitherman, G. 98 – 99 , 182 – 184 , 187 , 189 – 190 , 196 , 201 – 202 , 208 – 209 , 212 , 319 – 320 , 330
Snow White (Disney animated film) 112 , 114 , 125
Society of Professional Journalists 134
sociolinguistic markers 15 , 40 , 128 , 219
Sociolinguistics, Principles
debt incurred xxi
error correction xxi
linguistic gratuity xxi
mutual responsibility 72
Solomon, I.D. 84
Soo, J.D. 291
Song of the South, The (Disney animated film) 119 , 122 , 128
Solórzano, D.G. 88
Sound House 48 – 52
Southern accent
as defined by Southerners 219
as perceived by Hawai’ian students 221
persistence 220 , 234
Southern Trough 216 – 217
subordination of 225
Southern Poverty Law Center 178 , 181 , 235 , 247 , 268
Southern U.S.
geographic distribution of pin/pen merger 216
population 216 , 221
self-image 222
Southwest U.S., population shift 274
strategies of condescension 223
television stereotypes 217 – 218
Spanish as the focus of identity 262
Spangenberg-Urbschat, K. 85
Spanglish 261
Spears, A.K. 185 , 188 , 320 , 330

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