Reader\'s Digest USA - 04.2020

(Steven Felgate) #1

Reader’s Digest Everyday Heroes

12 april 2020 |

But when he returned to the trea-
surer’s office, he asked someone else
waiting in line to hand the $5,
check to the cashier. Evans was trying
to slip away quietly and, preferably,
“I didn’t want this attention,” he
Of course, attention found him—
it’s not every day that someone pays
a stranger’s hefty tax bill. That said,
Evans often finds himself on the
giving end of charitable situations,

though for years he went unrecog-
nized for it. He is the president of M2E
Investments—the name is a reference
to his son (and namesake), Michael
Evans II. The firm owns a variety of
businesses, from restaurants to a
portable restroom company, most lo-
cated in the inner city of Detroit and
many devoted to improving it. His
1 Premium Driving School gives driv-
ing lessons to teenagers, often for free.
In 2015, when he saw a story on the
news about a local boy with an incur-
able bone disease, Evans held a fund-
raiser at his Detroit Shrimp & Fish
restaurant to help pay for the boy’s
wheelchair and van. He also donated

all the money the restaurant made
that day to the boy’s family.
“We help people, me and my son,”
Evans says. “We send a check; we walk
into funeral homes and just pay for
the whole funeral. We try to help our
Why does Evans give so much to
strangers? It’s a question he never
fully answers. “To be honest, I don’t
like putting money in the banks,” he
says. “Doing things with your money
is better.” As for paying the elderly
woman’s taxes, he says he did it “for
no other reason but to make sure the
lady was in her house.”
A few weeks after the tax incident,
Evans received the Spirit of Detroit
Award for his lifetime of generosity.
Again, he didn’t want the attention,
but his son felt the honor was over-
due. “It was good to see my dad finally
get the recognition he deserves,” the
younger Evans says.
Michael Evans Sr. is nearing 60 and
will retire soon. Before he does, he
hopes to convert some commercial
spaces he recently acquired into low-
income housing. And he’ll continue to
sponsor his local youth football league
team—he pays for their equipment,
uniforms, and out-of-state travel.
His son will carry on with the busi-
ness, and—no less important—with
his dad’s penchant for philanthropy.
“I model my life after him,” Evans II
says of his father. “When I have kids, I
want them to look at me the way I look
at my dad.” RD

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