
(Wang) #1
I11 an effort to slot» the spread fl/ the '°10t1a'CJirus, Nt'W York Ciiy #llUeUllU, galleries, theatm,
miuie wmuu, cinemas, and rtstauranlJ haw cwwl. Hm:'s a ulection of culture to be found online and Jtreaming.


Though the opening of Cattierine Den•""" latest .film, "The Truth, "has been postponed, many of her most
celebrated movies are available to stream on the Criterion Channel In one of the best of them, F~is
Truffaut's macabre thriller "Mississippi Mermaid" (above), from 1969, she plays a mail-order bride who
shows up at the Reunion Island estate of a wealthy planter (Jean-Paul Bclmondo) with designs on his money.
Truffaut transforms the crime drama into a desperate romance and a portrait of French social dysfunction.
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