Go figure
Arrow Word
THEideaofGoFigureis toarriveatthe
figures given at thebottom andright-hand
columns ofthediagram –by following
thearithmeticsignsintheorder they
are given (from left to right andtop to
bottom). Useonlytheright numbers
below thediagram to completeits
blanksquares, anduseeachofthenine
numbers onlyonce.
PLACE a number in the empty boxes in such a way that
each row across, each column down and each small 9-box
square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.
THERE are 13 black hexagons in the puzzle. Place
the numbers 1 – 6 around each of them. No
number can be repeated in any partial hexagon
shape along the border of the puzzle.
TATA M I is a 6x6 grid logic game played with the numbers
1 to 3. Each 3x3 slab must contain all the numbers 1-3
with no duplicates. Adjacent slabs cannot contain the
same number, i.e. the number 3 cannot be placed next to
another number 3. Each row and column must contain a
double set of numbers (two 1s, two 2s and two 3s).
Unscramble the letters within each rectangle
to form four ordinary words. The rearrange the
boxed letters to form the mystery word.