2020-04-03 People South Africa

(Ben Green) #1
Continues on pages 8-

Justin Bieber: ‘I’m In An Arranged

JUSTIN BIEBER has joked his marriage to wife Hailey was
arranged by her father. The Yummy singer sat down with
guest host Demi Lovato on The Ellen DeGeneres Show
to chat about how he met his wife, and noted her actor
dad, Stephen Baldwin, must have had a direct hand in
them getting together.
“We met in the early mornings of a Today show taping.
I’m pretty sure she didn’t want to be there. Her dad
dragged her out of bed in the morning,” Justin recalled.
“I think because she was raised Christian, they found out
that I was too. I think it was an arranged marriage, I’m
pretty sure,” he reflected. “Looking back now, I’m like, ‘It
was definitely an arranged marriage. They set this whole
thing up.’ Since she was raised Christian, it was like, ‘I
want to introduce you to Justin and his mom. They have
similar values and believe the same things. We think you
guys would be good friends’.” Justin then declared with
a shocked look on his face: “It was definitely an arranged
marriage now that I’m thinking about it. Goodness
Justin and Hailey eloped in 2018 before hosting an
official ceremony with family and friends last September.
Hismarriageconfession comes as he was recently
reunited with his runaway cat,
Sushi. The couple had begun
to give up any hope they had
of finding him, until a good
Samaritan came across the lost
pet kilometres away from the
Canadian popstar’s home and got
in touch with his worried owner.

Johnny Depp Ordered To Disclose

been ordered
to disclose
audio recordings
of conversations
between him and his
ex-wife Amber Heard in his libel
trial against British tabloid The
Sun. The Pirates Of The Caribbean
star is suing The Sun’s publisher,
News Group Newspapers (NGN),
and the newspaper’s executive
editor Dan Wootton over an
article which referred to him as a
‘wife-beater’ following his 2016 split from Heard. According to the Press Association,
on March 7, British High Court judge Andrew Nicol ruled that Depp has four days to
hand over audio recordings of conversations he had with the Aquaman star during
their relationship. Lawyers for the 56-year-old told the court last week that the audio
includes Heard seemingly discussing having been violent towards Depp, rather than
him being physically abusive towards her. Representing Depp, David Sherborne said the
evidence demonstrates that ‘she was not a victim of domestic abuse but was instead
the aggressor’. The judge also ordered Depp to disclose further evidence, including
documents from the couple’s divorce proceedings, and to detail his attempts to obtain
his medical records. However, the judge refused NGN’s application for text messages
sent by Depp to his friend, British actor Paul Bettany, to be disclosed as evidence. In the
texts, the star allegedly talked of drowning and burning his ex-wife, whom he divorced in

  1. The Lone Ranger actor alleges The Sun’s articles claimed he was guilty of domestic
    violence, causing him to be handed a restraining order, damaged his ability to work, and

Drake Sues Over OVO
Owl Logo
DRAKE is taking legal action against executives of
two merchandise brands for allegedly copying his
OVO owl logo. The God’s Plan hitmaker founded
his OVO Clothing company back in 2011, selling
apparel including T-shirts, sweatshirts, varsity
jackets, baseball hats and sneakers featuring the
image. In papers obtained by TMZ, the star claims officials
of Australian company Bellroy ‘changed the design of the owl by
altering its posture, width, wings and feet in order to blatantly
mimic the OVO owl’, suggesting the changes were intentionally made to maximise
similarities with Drake’s brand. OVO bosses are taking legal action now because,
while Bellroy first sold wallets, smartphone cases and small luggage, it recently added
footwear and clothing to its collection, which Drake’s organisation says is the core of
OVO’s business. The company alleges officials of Bellroy and Los Angeles-based brand
Clae are misleading consumers into thinking they’re in partnership with OVO, and are
profiting off Drake’s brand’s image. It is suing for trademark infringement and is asking
for an injunction to stop Bellroy and Clae from using its owl, damages, and any profits
they have made so far.

Carrie Uses Bronzer For Sculpted Legs Look
CARRIEUNDERWOODusesbronzerasa quickcheattomakeherlegslooksculpted.The
twotrickstomakesurethatshelooksleanandmuscular.“First,I keepmymacronumbers

  • whichis yourcalories,carbsandproteinintake– incheck,”sheclaims.“Thesecondis a
    goodself-tannerorbodybronzer.I likeOfraCosmetics’RCKBodyGlow,a tintedlotionwith
    a bitofshimmer.If youwantyourlegstolooktoned,believeme,a littleshimmergoesa long
    hittingher30sandhavingsonsIsaiah,five,andJacob, 13 months.“I’vedefinitelychangedmyapproachto
    fitnessasI’vegottenolder.Inmy20s,I wasallaboutcardioandanythingthatmademesweat.Nowthat
    I’m(almost) 37 andhavetwokids,I’mfocusedongettingthemostoutofmyworkouttime,”theCryPretty
    hitmakerexplained,withlegpressesandweightedsquatsbeingherfavouritepartofhergymsessions.“I do
    lower-impactexerciseswithhigherweights,andI trytomaximiseeachandeveryrep. These days it’s less
    about the burpees and sprinting around – my knees can’t always handle that!”

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