
(Sean Pound) #1

Tunç Tezel
In this image taken over Lake Uluabat in western Tur-
key, transiting Mercury appears as a tiny dot near the
center of the Sun, just above the cloud that covers half
the face and just left of center.
DETAILS:Canon EOS 6D DSLR with 100-to-400-mm
lens and 2× teleconverter. Total exposure:^1 / 808000 second at
ISO 800, f/16.

Gabriel Santos
Several popular objects surrounding the belt stars of
Orion are visible in this deep image, including M78
at lower left. The Flame Nebula (NGC 2024) is a little
left of center, and IC 434 notched by the Horsehead
Nebula is seen just right of the Flame Nebula. To the
right is the Orion Nebula, M42, with smaller, comma-
like M43. The entire fi eld is awash in faint brownish
dust with other areas of bluish refl ection nebulosity.
North is at left.
DETAILS:Modifi ed Canon EOS Rebel T5 DSLR with 135-
mm lens at f/2.4. Total exposure: 100 minutes at ISO 800.• FEBRUARY 2020 77
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