A million thanks.
(And then some.)
To our generous national Red Kettle partners, thank you for helping more than 23 million people find hope this year.
THE RICHARDS GROUP JOB #: SAL20_049913_National Miscellaneous CLIENT: Salvation Army
TRIM: 7.875" x 10.5" LIVE: 7.375 x 10 BLEED: 8.125 x 10.75
COLORS: CMYK PUB: Fortune Magazine INSERTION: 2020
AD NAME: Thank You QUESTIONS: Call Karen Newman 214-891- 5875
SAL20_049913_Thanks_Fortune_7_875x10_5.indd 1SAL20_049913_Thanks_Fortune_7_875x10_5.indd 1 3/10/20 10:32 AM3/10/20 10:32 AM