
(Ann) #1
Daily Express Wednesday, April 8, 2020 13



Pat brings

prayer to

the people

France flying

to the rescue

IN THIS time of plague
where on earth is the
church? Religious
leaders have been
notable for their silence
as people lose loved
ones, health and jobs.
At the weekend a friend
sent me a video of one
vicar, the Rev Pat
Allerton, taking to the
streets to exhort people
to sing along to Amazing

Grace and join in the
Lord’s Prayer.
It was a good parable
for the growth of the
early church for at first
nobody came out of their
doors, then gradually
they did and at the end
sent the vicar off with
huge applause. His
attitude is clearly that if
people cannot go to the
Church then the Church
will come to the people.
Make him Archbishop
of Canterbury.

LAST week I drew
attention to the plight of
hundreds of Britons
stranded in Nepal who
watched helplessly while
other countries sent in
multiple flights and
Britain did nothing.
Nobody can
reasonably expect the
Government to breathe
miracles and puff
wonders but if other
countries could send in
a succession of flights
then why couldn’t ours
manage even one?
After all, international
emergency rules bind the
French and German
governments as much
as ours.
Yet France had
already sent in two
rescue flights and,
a third being
scheduled, one
British couple went
along to the French
embassy and got a seat
on the next French flight.
They are now home,
full of praise for the
French embassy which
“was polite, helpful and
answered emails and the
phone” – and contempt
for ours.
Dear heaven, what
has it come to when
the French can do for
our citizens what
we cannot?



’M QUITE enjoying this lockdown but I know
just how blessed I am. I actively like solitude.
I have the moors on my doorstep, a large gar-
den, a job (writing) which I can do from
home, a dependable pension, good health
and a keyworker neighbour who can drop off
fresh milk, bread and veg.
By contrast too many are living out this misery
in cramped flats, getting on each other’s nerves,
trying to keep boisterous children entertained all
day long, worrying themselves sick about money.
Others have health problems and fear that the
NHS may be too overwhelmed to treat them. Some
will have elderly parents in care or nursing homes
and simply be forbidden to see them. And nobody
knows when it will all end.
That is why we need a dose of common sense
and proportionality.
The aim, dash it, is straightforward: to stop
people getting too close to one another. So why are
the police harrying sunbathers when they are
metres away from other people?


HY shouldn’t people drive for more
than 10 minutes given that in a car
you can neither be infected by nor
infect anyone? Why shouldn’t people walk on the
beach? As long as people are not congregating, why
does any of it matter?
Why should not relatives fashion protective
clothing out of disposable material, put on disposa-
ble gloves and sit on the other side of the room to
visit the sick and elderly?
And now try this one: person A has been alone
in isolation for three weeks. So has person B. You
need isolate for only two weeks to be safe from
passing on any infection so why on earth should
not person A and person B social-
ise with each other in one of
their own homes, travelling
by car and not meeting
anybody else?
That is a question
every unwillingly
divided family must be
So what is the
Government’s answer?
Meanwhile, Boris, for
pity’s sake REST and
get better.
We need you.

writes to me with an
intriguing question. He
points out that in the war
every civilian – man, woman
and child – in this country was
issued with a gas mask. So,
he asks, why not do the same
in the present emergency?
It would certainly put
us off touching
our faces!

I AM constantly
being told that
prisons in this
country are holiday
camps (they are,
in fact, with a few
exceptions, pretty
ghastly) and that
being locked up is
in itself not really
a punishment.
I wonder how
many will still be
saying that when
we have all been
under effective
house arrest
for months in
the comfort of our
own homes?

WELL, he is
undeniably a
million times better
than Corbyn but
Keir Starmer, the
new leader of the
Labour Party, is the
chap who began
the rot at the CPS
whereby innocent
men accused of sex
crimes were
presumed guilty
from the get-go.
It led to
prolonged anguish,
loss of livelihood
and in some cases
One does wonder
how, regardless of
political sympathy,
any member of the
male sex could
possibly vote for him.

Men to steer

clear of Keir



PRUE Leith complains, rightly, that
the adoption process has grown too
hard. She and her late husband
adopted a child from Cambodia
easily in 1984 but now that
child has had severe difficulty
in herself adopting.
Apparently race has been an issue

with her daughter variously judged
too white or too black.
Yet nobody bats an eyelid if a
couple marries and produces its own
mixed-race children, so why the
difficulty with adoptive parents?
In another instance someone was
refused as a foster parent for small

children because the council found
out at the last minute that she was
opposed to gay marriage.
This highly prescriptive
box-ticking attitude explains
why we have children in care who
could so easily be settled with
a loving family.

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