Anavid84-year-oldpolevaultershowsno signsoffstoping
anytime soon.FloFilionMeilerrecently attendedthe World
MastersAthleticsChampionshipIndoor,in Poland,competing
in thelongjump, 60 metrehurdles, 800 metrerun,pentathlon
and thepolevault.Meiler,fromShelburne,Vermont,claims
shefeels morelike 70 thannearly 85 andexplained,“I do
train five daysa week. Andwhen I foundout I wasgoing
to competeat theworlds,I trainedsixdaysa weekbecause
I knew I would really need to get mybody inshape.” The
hurdles and thepole vault.Meiler’scoach, EmmalineBerg,
describedthewomanas being“incrediblyseriousaboutwhat
beinga fantasticathlete,whichis remarkableat anyage,let
A fisherman recently
discovered a giant sunfish
washed ashore in South
Australia believing it to be
fake. The creepy-looking
creature was found at the
mouthof theMurrayRiverby
Linette Grzelak, uploading
pictureson socialmediasite,
Facebook. The ocean sunfish
belongs to the mola mola
species and is the rarest of
its kind in South Australian
to be around 1.8 metres in
length,but,according to the
South Australian Museum,
the species can reportedly
grow to over three metres
long and four metres wide.
National Parks South
Australia referred to the
animal as the “the world’s
largest bony fish and can
weighmore thana car”and
beinga residentin thearea.”
Sunfish primarily feed on
theirhabit of baskingin the
sunshine before diving deep
beneath the ocean.
A website recently posted a “dream job” offering $1,000 to a
person willing to sit down and binge watch 20 of the available
Marvel Cinematic Universe films in a row. posted
the job description requesting the successful candidate to start
their monster movie marathon with 2008’s Iron Man and watch
all the way through to 2018’s Ant Man and the Wasp. During
the non-stop session, the Marvel movie enthusiast was asked
to live-tweet the experience on social media whilst tagging the
website’s account. Along with the cash payment, the winning
binge-watcher would also receive all of the films on Blu-ray, a
variety of Marvel merchandise and be invited to assist in creating
a ranking system for the each of the action-packed adventures.
✸ Marathon ✸