***** WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2020 ~ VOL. CCLXXV NO. 82 WSJ.com HHHH$4.
DJIA22653.86g26.13 0.1% NASDAQ7887.26g0.3% STOXX 600326.61À1.9% 10-YR. TREAS.g 19/32 , yield 0.735% OIL$23.63g$2.45 GOLD$1,664.80g$12.20 EURO$1.0892 YEN108.
In Detroit, poverty deepens
pain as cases rise, A
Firms offer FEMA supplies
it can’t buy, A
Refugee camps face
heightened peril, A
India lifts export ban on
drug many seek, A
Pollard asked if they would
leave some at her hospital,
which had more than 400
coronavirus patients, many
of them growing worse and
others still arriving.
She asked for 25 and got
- “We’ll take anything,” she
New York City hospitals
faced the full force of the
pandemic in recent days, as
the coronavirus disease
surged through the city and
on Monday claimed 731 lives,
the highest number of
deaths in a single day.
Hospital loudspeakers have
sounded constant alarms for
doctors to aid patients in a
crisis that has stretched the
capacity of New York’s medi-
cal community and sparked
the ingenuity and resource-
fulness of its members
Within hours, Ms. Pollard
had used all of the new ven-
tilators, leaving eight in re-
serve. Twenty more arrived
March 29, and Ms. Pollard
worked frantically to assem-
ble the parts, as a biomedi-
cal engineer tested them.
Once finished, other workers
ran them to hospital floors
where they were needed.
Please turn to page A
Wisconsin Braves Infection to Vote
The New Cocktail Hour: Your
Governor’s Coronavirus Briefing
Pandemic updates become must-see TV
and make unlikely stars of local officials
Bob Lear noticed his wife
was pouring herself a glass of
wine one recent afternoon, so
he asked her what was up.
“It’s almost 5 o’clock,” she
said. “I’ve got my date with
Andy is Andy Beshear, the
young Democratic governor of
Kentucky, who gives a briefing
on the coronavirus pandemic
every day at that time.
“So yeah quarantine is go-
ing well,” Mr. Lear, a 35-year-
old real-estate agent in Ver-
sailles, Ky., quipped in a tweet.
While New York Gov. An-
drew Cuomo, a Democrat, has
captured a national audience,
the coronavirus crisis is creat-
ing its own brand of must-see
TV in the heartland. It’s a
combination of C-Span, local
access and a much-needed
routine that is bringing com-
fort—and a few chuckles—to
many of the homebound in a
time of national crisis.
Fans of Ohio Gov. Mike De-
Please turn to page A
Sharon Pollard, director
for respiratory care at Long
Island Jewish Medical Center
in New Hyde Park, N.Y., had
eight ventilators left and
needed more. Overnight, at
least 17 new patients re-
quired them.
Teams at the hospital un-
loaded ventilators delivered
by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency. The
machines were bound for a
central depot to distribute to
many other hospitals. Ms.
inbound and outbound travel
for healthy people, after eas-
ing some residential restric-
tions to revive a crippled local
In the past few days, how-
ever, it has tightened restric-
tions on some housing com-
plexes, and said others will
remain in place, after confirm-
ing dozens of new asymptom-
atic cases. An official newspa-
per said Monday there could
be 10,000 to 20,000 such cases
in Wuhan. The report was
swiftly deleted online.
Epidemiologists, U.S. intelli-
gence sources and Wuhan resi-
dents suspect that Chinese au-
thorities substantially
undercounted infections and
deaths over the past several
months, especially in Wuhan,
in part to boost President Xi
Jinping’s image. Such doubts,
Please turn to page A
Fear Lingers
On Streets
Of Wuhan
Suspicion of uncounted
cases fuels worries of
second wave of virus
as China reopens city
WUHAN—Chinese leaders
and many medical experts
have held up this city as an ex-
ample of what can be achieved
through extreme efforts to
contain the coronavirus.
It’s now becoming clear the
battle in Wuhan is far from
over—and the human cost
much higher than officially ac-
The city has announced
only three new confirmed
cases with symptoms since
March 18. Authorities have
just formally ended the 77-day
lockdown on the city, allowing
ByJeremy Page,
Natasha Khan
andWarren P. Strobel
No Clear Path Seen
To Restart Economy
Chinese mogul who criticized
Xi now faces probe.............. A
Navy Secretary Thomas Modly
resigned after an uproar over
his verbal attack on the for-
mer captain of the coronavi-
rus-stricken aircraft carrier
Theodore Roosevelt, in a saga
that has dealt a new blow to a
U.S. Navy beset by missteps
and clashes with the White
House in recent years.
Mr. Modly was under pres-
traordinary chain of events
over the past two weeks as the
Navy and the U.S. military
scramble to respond to the
Covid-19 crisis, with more
than 230 cases of the respira-
tory illness caused by the cor-
onavirus on the aircraft car-
rier among more than 1,
across the armed services.
Defense Secretary Mark Es-
per accepted Mr. Modly’s resig-
nation on Tuesday after top of-
ficials held a series of meetings
at the Pentagon in the morning.
With President Trump’s
blessing, Mr. Esper said, he
tapped Undersecretary of the
Army James McPherson, a re-
tired Navy rear admiral who
once served on the USS Theo-
dore Roosevelt, to succeed Mr.
Modly, officials said. Mr. Modly
Please turn to page A
Trump removes stimulus-
spending monitor.................... A
Banking & Finance B
Business News.. B3,
Crossword.............. A
Heard on Street. B
Life & Arts...... A13-
Markets..................... B
Opinion.............. A17-
Property Report... B
Sports........................ A
Technology............... B
U.S. News............. A2-
Weather................... A
World News.......... A
s2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Suspicions thatChinese
authorities substantially
undercounted coronavirus
infections and deaths, espe-
cially in Wuhan, combined
with reports of new asymp-
tomatic cases in that city, are
sparking fears of a potential
second wave of infections.A
The U.S. death tollfrom
the coronavirus rose sharply,
with nearly 50% more peo-
ple killed Tuesday than
any previous day in the ep-
idemic, according to a Wall
Street Journal analysis of
data from Johns Hopkins.A
The acting Navy secretary
resigned after an uproar
over his verbal attack on the
ex-captain of a coronavirus-
stricken aircraft carrier.A
Trump replacedthe Pen-
tagon’s acting inspector
general, who had been
charged with monitoring the
pandemic stimulus law.A
The Trumpadministra-
tion and top lawmakers said
they hope to move within
days to approve new funding
for small-business loans.A
The U.K. government
sought to maintain a united
front in the face of the pan-
demic while Johnson re-
mained in intensive care.A
The U.S. plansto block
Iran’s requested $5 billion
emergency loan from the IMF
that Tehran says it needs to
fight its coronavirus crisis.A
The Taliban broke off
talks with Afghanistan’s
government, creating a
fresh stumbling block for
the peace process.A
Died: John Prine,73,
country-folk music icon.A
.S. government officials
and business leaders are
turning their attention to a
coming challenge in the
fight against the coronavi-
rus pandemic: Reopening an
economy that has been shut
down like never before.A
A number of companies
are citing beefed-up unem-
ployment benefits under
the stimulus package as
they furlough or lay off
staff amid the pandemic.A
Nissan and Hondaare
furloughing U.S. factory
workers without pay, add-
ing to joblessness in the
hard-hit auto industry.B
Exxon Mobil saidit
would cut its 2020 capital
spending by 30% as the
coronavirus pandemic saps
demand for oil.B1, B
Amazon.com will halta
delivery service for non-
Amazon packages as it re-
evaluates the nascent offer-
ing that competes directly
with FedEx and UPS.B
ISS has urgedshare-
holders to withhold votes
for the chairman of Williams
after the pipeline operator
adopted a poison pill.B
The Dow and S&P 500
ended Tuesday’s session
down 0.1% and 0.2%, respec-
tively, after relinquishing
substantial early gains.B
Airbnb agreedto pay its
new investors interest at a
rate of over 10% in their fund-
ing deal, according to people
familiar with the matter.B
Two WeWork directors
sued SoftBank on behalf of
the co-working firm after
SoftBank dropped an offer
to buy WeWork shares.B
DEMOCRACY: Robert Williams, top, votes in Dunn, and a line forms outside a Milwaukee polling place
Tuesday after a court blocked the governor from delaying the contest over public-health concerns. A
New York City
Feels Full Force
Of Hospital Crisis
The pandemic has sparked the ingenuity
and grit of the medical community
Companies Cutting Jobs
Cite New Aid for Workers
ment’s beefed-up unemploy-
ment benefits as they furlough
or lay off staff amid the coro-
navirus pandemic. The stimu-
lus package is changing the
calculus for some employers,
which can now cut payroll
costs without feeling they are
abandoning their employees.
“I’m getting a lot of calls
from clients wondering why
wouldn’t I do this if my em-
ployee can make as much or
sometimes more not working,
and I don’t need them and can
cut that cost,” said Christine
Lamb, a Denver-based employ-
ment attorney from Fortis Law
Partners. “I’ve received a ton
of calls of clients wondering if
it’s a win-win.”
The new stimulus package
will give employees who have
been laid off or had their hours
cut an extra $600 each week
for up to four months on top of
their state’s regular unemploy-
ment payments. By itself, the
$600 is the equivalent of work-
ing 40 hours a week at $15 an
hour. For people working full
time and normally earning
$7.25 an hour, that comes to
more than double their income
Please turn to page A
When Equinox had to start
furloughing some employees at
its chain of upscale fitness
clubs, Executive Chairman Har-
vey Spevak had a surprising
message to stakeholders.
“We believe most will be
better off receiving government
assistance during our closure,”
he wrote in an email. The com-
pany said the majority of em-
ployees remain on its payroll.
Equinox joins a number of
companies, including Macy’s
Inc. and Steelcase Inc., that
are citing the federal govern-
A sharp reduction in new
infections is a critical first
step, but health experts said
other actions will be needed to
prevent another outbreak that
freezes activity all over again.
That includes building testing
and surveillance systems, and
a readiness to reintroduce
some social distancing and
other mitigations to give peo-
ple confidence that they can
return to work without risking
The Trump administration’s
current social-distancing
guidelines run through April.
“It isn’t like a light switch
on and off,” Anthony Fauci, a
member of President Trump’s
task force on the pan-
demic, told “The Journal,” a
Wall Street Journal podcast.
“It’s a gradual pulling back on
certain of the restrictions to
try and get society a bit back
Please turn to page A
Government officials and
business leaders are turning
their attention to a coming
challenge in the fight against
the coronavirus pandemic: Re-
opening a $22 trillion econ-
omy that has been shut down
like never before.
With some preliminary
signs that infections from the
virus are slowing, the whole
nation is hopeful to get back
to business as soon as possi-
ble. But there are a host of
questions. Under what condi-
tions should people be allowed
back to work and stay-at-home
orders be lifted? How will peo-
ple at work be monitored for
reinfection or antibodies to
prevent a resurgence of the
deadly virus? Does it all hap-
pen at once or is it staggered?
Who is in charge of the effort?
Acting Navy
Leader Quits
Amid Uproar
Over Captain
More small-business loans
promised....................................... A
Folk Music’s John Prine Dies
MASTER STORYTELLER: The singer-songwriter, who was 73,
helped shape a generation of performers with his songs of love
and social commentary. He died from the coronavirus. A