
(Steven Felgate) #1

As you pop your Respiratory Calorimeter Pellet
(RCP) into your mouth and head out the door to jog
down the street, your T-shirt’s SmartHeart loads
up, logging information about your heart rate.
When you start to push up the neighbourhood
hill about a kilometre in, your phone changes the
music to slow your rate. You make it to the top
without getting last week’s warning to stop for a
break and victoriously run the rest of the route with
music that matches the tempo of your improving
heart rate.
Back at home, the RCP (which measured the
chemical content of your inhaled and exhaled
breaths) shows that the run burned 2,035kJ – not
bad for an hour round the neighbourhood.
You shower, stick your Sodi-Kit strip to your
calf, and head out into the day.


OU’VE HEARD OFthe Internet of Things
(IoT), where a sensor is put into every tool,
device, computer or machine from a mobile
right up to a factory? Billions of readings from
millions of microchips report on the performance
of computers, planes, server farms, fridges,
energy plants, lamps and everything in between.
According to market intelligence firm IHS Markit,
the number of IoT devices will balloon to over
125 billion by 2030.
The last boundary of data collection is from
non-silicon-based systems like clothes, food, the
environment or even our own bodies. Welcome to
the Internet of Disposable Things (IoDT), where
temporary or ultra-cheap sensors are embedded
or affixed to any number of inexpensive media that
aren’t computer-based.
Pretty much everything in the world has a

A more traditional IoT sensor, your phone’s GPS knows where you are and can
plan your most efficient workout according to the path ahead. Say there’s a
long, straight stretch coming up. Because your Pathfindr app has access to both
the local geography and the SmartHeart app tracking your fitness regimen, it
suggests a sprint, knowing that the best time for a harder rep.


34° 55' 42.5892'' S

138° 36' 2.6604'' E


Data transfer to device



(^07) SODI-KIT
58 – COSMOS Issue 86

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