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60 GAMES WORLD^ OF PUZZLES^ | june 2019

For tips on solving cryptic crosswords, send a stamped return envelope to “Cryptic Solving Guide,” GAMES WORLD OF PUZZLES, P.O. Box 184, Fort Washington, PA 19034.

via wordplay. Either half may come first; finding the dividing point between the two parts is the key to solving. On page
61, eight common methods by which hints are given via wordplay are described; any combination of these gimmicks
may be used.
Expect to see references to abbreviations (doctor for DR, Hawaii for HI, or university for U), chemical symbols (iron
for Fe), Roman numerals (five for V), and parts of words (end of year for R, head of cabbage for C, or heart of stone
for O). A clue with an exclamation point may be what’s called an & lit. clue, in which the two halves overlap, so the
whole clue is both a definition and a cryptic indication of the answer, as in Terribly angered! for ENRAGED (see
“anagrams” on page 61). Give these puzzles a try! ANSWERS, PAGE 79



1 Blowfish go for
another tour, making
room for a couple
of females on the
way back (6)
4 Grand joke I planted in a
certain computer (8)
10 Order semi-zesty
crackers (9)

11 Sway unsteadily about,
missing Bowe’s leadoff
jab (5)
12 Middle part of Iowa
is tedious (5)
13 Eyed Bart sneakily taking
down plush toy (5,4)
14 Republican (nothing
like Kennedy) took
some heat? (7)

16 Try returning to high
school (4)
19 Signs contract in
Midwest state (4)
21 Rod has craving for
pepper (7)
24 China’s army following the
leader into flat terrain (9)
25 Restricts young reporters
covering war’s finale (5)

26 Timeless Updike hero, a
clergyman (5)
27 Stress is robbing lesser
employee of good energy (9)
28 Supply firm absorbs Web-
access company (8)
29 Woods starts to shout
“Terrific!” after “Fore!” (6)

1 Code needed to enter
dad’s Cutlass (8)
2 Fat Elvis playing gala
event (8)
3 Happening septuagenari-
an’s age, at least, is limit-
less (5)
5 Attorney general behind a
Senate leader’s plans (7)
6 All people are ultimately
quite poor in youth (9)
7 At first, Texans attack (but
later embrace) the Pill (6)
8 Scaredy cat cringed in
fear, I hear (6)
9 Started tipping, and kept
a tab (6)
15 Inside metal container,
see red and primarily
edible citrus fruit (9)
17 Pep up geezer in
convertible (8)
18 Seems it’s mangled,
most unkempt (8)
20 Contrarily, Seurat’s
switching red with bit of
turquoise for art pieces (7)
21 Land up north showcased
by American ad agency (6)
22 Saved the life of Harris
following fight (6)
23 Court-martials involving
British families (6)
25 Freight vehicle set off (5)

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10 11

12 13

14 15 16

17 18

19 20 21

22 23

24 25

26 27

28 29
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