Primary AIR Technologies | 9
Not only are all of the existing Flash Player APIs available
within Adobe AIR, but some of those APIs have also been
expanded and/or enhanced. Some of the functionality that
the Flash Player provides to Adobe AIR includes:
- Just-in-time Interpreted ActionScript engine for speedy
application performance - Full networking stack, including HTTP and RTMP, as
well as Binary and XML sockets - Complete vector-based rendering engine and drawing
APIs - Extensive multimedia support including bitmaps, vec-
tors, audio, and video
Flash Player and ActionScript APIs are available to
JavaScript within Adobe AIR applications.
Of course, the Flex 2 RI Aframework is built on top of
ActionScript 3, which means that you can take advantage of
all of the features and functionality that Flex offers in order
to build Adobe AIR applications.
Primary Document Technologies
Document technologies within Adobe AIR refer to technolo-
gies that can be used for the rendering of and interaction
with electronic documents.
PDF and HTML are the primary document technologies
available within Adobe AIR.
The Portable Document Format (PDF) is the web standard
for delivering and displaying electronic documents on the