Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Click the brush in the toolbox. Or press the B key. We’ll use
    the brush to paint away the weird green highlights.

  2. Eyedrop a representative hair color. With the brush
    active, press Alt (or Option) to temporarily access the eyedrop-
    per, and then click someplace where the hair appears a natural
    blonde. To see what color you lifted, bring up the Color panel
    by pressing F6. Mine was in the neighborhood of R: 90, G: 70,
    B: 50. But hair has so much variation that you may end up with
    something different. Feel free to use your eyedropped color or
    enter the values suggested here—either should work fine.

  3. Select the Hue blend mode. Go up to the options bar and
    change the Mode setting to Hue, or press Shift+Alt+U (or
    Shift-Option-U). You can now paint in new hue values while
    leaving the luminosity and saturation unchanged, which will
    lead to the most organic effects.

  4. Paint the hair. Set the brush dia meter to 70 pixels or so; leave
    the Hardness set to 100 percent. Then paint the green hair and
    watch it change to blonde, as illustrated in Figure 4-16.

Figure 4-16.

  1. Select the red eye tool in the toolbox. Your final task is to re-
    move the now controversial red eye. Click and hold the band-
    aid below the eyedropper tool icon in the toolbox, and choose
    the red eye tool from the flyout menu (see Figure 4-17 on the
    facing page).

  2. Retouch one of the pupils. Zoom in on the one of the pupils
    and then just click it with the red eye tool. Just like that, the
    red eye goes away. So eager is the tool to obliterate red eye that

Greenish hairBack to blonde

102 Lesson 4: Retouch, Heal, and Enhance

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