Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

healing and Patching

The edit tools are well suited to a wide variety of retouch-
ing scenarios. But they can’t create detail where none ex-
ists. To fix dust and scratches or cover up blemishes and
wrinkles, you need tools that can paint imagery on top of
imagery. Tools like the healing brushes and patch tool:

  • The healing brushes paint one section of an image,
    called the source, onto another. One variety of the
    healing brush lets you specify a source; the other finds
    a source automatically. As the tool clones the source
    detail, it mixes it with the color and lighting that sur-
    rounds the brushstroke, thereby mending the offend-
    ing detail seamlessly.

  • The patch tool clones like the healing brushes. But in-
    stead of painting with the tool, you select areas of an
    image as you would with the lasso.
    The following exercise shows you how to use these power-
    ful tools to fix a variety of image challenges on the sweetly
    scowling face of a young pirate.

  1. Open a photograph requiring detail retouch-
    ing. Open the file called Patchy.tif located in
    the Lesson 04 folder inside Lesson Files-PsCS5
    1on1. This photo of a ten-year-old girl dressed up as a
    pirate, shown in Figure 4-19, comes from Simone van
    den Berg of the Fotolia image library. While children
    don’t generally have the same kinds of skin flaws that
    we older folks do, Patchy has a few spots on which to
    test our healing skills, not to mention a suspicious bit
    of food on the corner of her mouth and a wicked scar
    on her cheek.

  2. Select the spot healing brush in the toolbox. The spot
    healing brush is the default occupant of the healing tool
    slot. But if you’re performing this step on the heels of
    the last exercise, you’ll need to select it from the flyout
    menu (see Figure 4-20) or Alt-click (Option-click) the
    red eye tool icon in the toolbox. True to its mission,
    the spot healing brush looks like a band-aid next to a
    little circular marquee that represents the spot. I don’t
    recommend the spot healing brush tool very often,
    which is why you’ll find, if you loaded my shortcuts in
    the Preface, that I did away with its shortcut.

Figure 4-19.

Figure 4-20.

104 Lesson 4: Retouch, Heal, and Enhance
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