Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
If you feel as though one of your healing edits has gone too far, you can
back off the effects of the last brushstroke by choosing Edit→Fade Healing
Brush. This brings up a dialog box that allows you to take the opacity of
your brushstroke down to a subtler level. The Fade command works for any
retouching brushstroke we’ve covered in this lesson—including dodge, burn,
and healing.

  1. Turn your attention to the scar. Like any self-respecting pirate,
    Patchy has a tragically gruesome scar on the side of her face,
    which will present a proper challenge to Photoshop’s healing
    powers. The tough thing about healing a large area like this
    is finding a suitable source point.
    To see what I mean, increase the brush size of the healing brush
    to 80 pixels and Alt-click (Option-click) along the jawline just
    below the scar. Then attempt to heal the scar. As you move
    your brush across the scar, you are likely to pick up all kinds
    of undesirable information from her jacket, her moustache,
    and the scar itself, as I’m doing in Figure 4-31. Clearly, this
    is not the answer, so press Ctrl-Z (�-Z) to undo. Where are
    we going to find a large enough area with similar information
    from which to repair the scar?

Figure 4-30.

Figure 4-31.

Click three more
times to disrupt
repeating detail

Tracks are fairly
seamlessly covered

110 Lesson 4: Retouch, Heal, and Enhance
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