Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Open the Clone Source panel. Photoshop provides a panel for
    the express purpose of manipulating the source of your clon-
    ing operation. Click the clone source icon in the options bar,
    as shown in Figure 4-36, to reveal the panel.

Figure 4-36.

Figure 4-37.

  1. Set the Clone Source to an angle of –23. Click in the rotation
    value area (circled in Figure 4-37) and press Shift+� to change
    the angle rotation value in a counterclockwise direction. (Press-
    ing � rotates the angle counterclockwise, and pressing the Shift
    key allows you to work in whole-degree increments.) Once you
    have the value selected, move the cursor back out to the image
    so you can see how the angle lines up properly in the preview.
    Press Shift+� until you reach –23 degrees, which aligns the
    source information with the destination nicely, as you can see
    in Figure 4-37.

  2. Turn on the Aligned check box. The Aligned check box in the
    options bar allows you to set the same offset for each stroke,
    which usually leads to unfavorable things such as detail repeti-
    tion. However, in this case, the Aligned check box will maintain
    the careful angle of relationship we’ve established for source
    and destination. Turn on the Aligned check box.

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