Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Paint over the scar. Reduce the brush size to something more
    reasonable by pressing the key several times until you reach
    a brush size of 90 pixels. Then paint over the scar, covering it
    entirely but steering clear of the pirate’s moustache and whiskers.
    You can see the area I painted in the top image in Figure 4-38
    and the results in the bottom image.

Don’t be disconcerted by the fact that the source point indicator is in her
hair while you’re healing (as you can see in the top image). The plus sign way
out on the left indicates where the source point is located on the other layer.

Figure 4-38.

Indicates the
source point on the
other layer

114 Lesson 4: Retouch, Heal, and Enhance

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