Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Blend the outline with the colored layer. To merge the lines
    with the original color image, choose the Multiply mode from
    the blend mode pop-up menu in the Layers panel. The dirty
    filthy result appears in Figure 4-43.

Figure 4-43.

  1. Apply another filter to facilitate cleanup. Naturally, we don’t
    want our subject to look like she’s rubbed her face in graph-
    ite or succumbed to some dread 21st-century plague, so some
    cleanup is in order. We’ll start with the digital equivalent of
    a vacuum cleaner, and then we’ll do some hand-scrubbing.
    Choose Filter→Blur →Gaussian Blur. In the dialog box that
    opens, enter a Radius of 2.0 pixels, and then click OK. The re-
    sult doesn’t look any better, but it gives you some gray values
    that you can trim with the Levels command.

  2. Adjust the Levels. The Levels command allows you to ad-
    just brightness values and is the perfect tool for getting rid
    of the gray values we created in the preceding step. Choose
    Image→Adjustments→Levels. Increase the first Input Levels
    value to 115 to punch the blacks (make them darker), and then
    decrease the third value to 140 to drop out the whites, as pic-
    tured in Figure 4-44 on the facing page. Click OK to accept the
    change. The result is a much cleaner image but not clean enough.

118 Lesson 4: Retouch, Heal, and Enhance

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