Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One contains twelve
lessons, each made up of three to six step-by-step
exercises. Every lesson in the book includes a cor-
responding video lesson (see Figure 1), in which
I introduce the key concepts you’ll need to know
to complete the exercises and see features that are
best explained in action. Best of all, every exercise
is project-based, culminating in an actual finished
document worthy of your labors (like the example
in Figure 2). The exercises include insights and
context throughout, so you’ll know not only what
to do but—just as important—why you’re doing it.
My sincere hope is that you’ll find the experience
entertaining, informative, and empowering.
All the videos and sample files required to perform
the exercises are available for download at oreilly.
com/go/deke-PhotoshopCS5. If you already have
an account and are logged in, you can
click straight through to a site where you can play
the videos, download them to your computer if you
like, and get the sample files. (If you don’t have an login, you’ll be invited to create one,
and then be sent properly on your way.) Together,
the book, sample files, and videos form a single,
comprehensive training experience.

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

xiv Preface
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