Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

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Figure 5-4.

Figure 5-5.

  1. Open a preliminary composition file. Start by open-
    ing Base layers.psd in the Lesson 05 folder inside Les-
    son Files-PsCS5 1on1. This file will serve as the basis
    for creating a Web banner graphic for a fantasy episode of my
    weekly audio podcast, “Martini Hour.” The splashing martini
    glass you see in Figure 5-4 comes from photographer Gunnar
    2000 of the Fotolia image library. But it’s possible that you won’t
    be able to see the glass or the other layers on your screen until
    you’ve dismissed the warning in the next step.

  2. Dismiss the warning dialog box. The text layers I created for
    you contain an Adobe font called Rotis Semi Sans. If you don’t
    have this font, you’ll see the warning message in Figure 5-5.
    Click OK to dismiss the warning without worrying. You won’t
    be able to edit or scale the type if you don’t have the font loaded,
    but you will be able to see it thanks to Photoshop’s automatic
    storage of the pixel information for the type. So the file will look
    fine, and you won’t have any obstacles to finishing the project.

  3. Open the Layers panel. If the panel is already on screen, fabu-
    lous. If not, choose Window→Layers or press the F7 key. The
    Layers panel shows thumbnails of every layer in the document,
    from the front layer at the top of the panel to the rearmost layer
    (usually a base Background layer) at the bottom. This arrange-
    ment of layers from front to back is called the stacking order.

Arranging and Modifying Layers 133

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