Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Remove the unnecessary content in the Glass 1 layer. Press
    the F key twice (to change to Standard View mode), so you
    can view your file size in the lower-left corner of the window.
    Revealing the entire image has increased our flattened docu-
    ment size 23MB (it started at just over 5MB). Although we’ll be
    using part of that now-revealed stem, we can get rid of the bot-
    tom part of the image and reduce the file size of our document.
    Click the Glass 1 layer to select it. Then press the M key to get
    the rectangular marquee tool (you may need to press it twice
    if you still have the elliptical marquee set from the last time we
    used it). Draw out a selection from the 2100-pixel mark down-
    ward, as shown in Figure 5-12. Press the Backspace (Delete)
    key to get rid of that information, and you’ll see that the total
    document size has been reduced from 22.5MB to 18.3MB.

Figure 5-12.

  1. Crop to the former document boundaries. Press the C key to
    grab the crop tool, and then drag out a crop boundary to the
    guides you set in Step 7. (Three horizontal guides should be inside
    the boundary, as you can see in Figure 5-13 on the facing page.)
    After you release the mouse button, ensure that you’ve really
    snapped to the guides by grabbing one corner of the boundary,
    dragging it inward to reduce the crop boundary, and then drag-
    ging it back out until it snaps. In the options bar, check that
    Cropped Area is set to Hide. (Setting it to Delete would get rid
    of all that big layer stuff, and we want to use the stem of the
    glass down the line.) Press Enter (Return) to accept the crop.


Just a reminder: In the Preface, I suggest that you
set your ruler to display pixel measurements. You
can make that a global preference by pressing
Ctrl-K (�-K), choosing Units & Rulers, and setting
the Rulers pop-up menu to Pixels. Then click OK.
If you want to change how measurements are
displayed on-the-fly, simply right-click the ruler
in the image window, and choose Pixels from the
context menu.

138 Lesson 5: Working with Layers
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