Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Fill the selected area with green. Press Alt+Backspace (or Op-
    tion-Delete) to fill your selection with the foreground color and
    thus turn the splash appropriately green. Repeat Steps 18–21
    to render the half-green, half-yellow droplet completely yellow.
    The result is a nicely colorized set of martinis, which we’ll continue
    to manipulate with blend modes and specialty layers in the next ex-
    ercise. Press Ctrl+Shift+S (�-Shift-S) to bring up the Save As dialog
    box. Name your working file “My Colored Stemware.psd” and then
    click Save. We’ll be continuing with this file in the next exercise.

Using Blend Modes and Specialty Layers

Photoshop doesn’t just let you create, move, and scale layers; it gives
you a great deal of control over how those layers work together in a
composition. We’ve used blend modes already in several exercises,
and now we’ll be employing them with a vengeance as we finish
the Martini Hour Web banner in this exercise. We’ll also add spe-
cialty layers, including some that include text, some that are par-
tially masked to let only part of their information show through,
and some —known as adjustment layers —that don’t have any con-
tent of their own but rather contain instructions for how the layers
below should appear.

  1. Begin with the file from the previous lesson. Proceed
    with the My Colored Stemware.psd file that you saved
    at the end of the last exercise. Or open the catch-up
    file Colored Stemware.psd (see Figure 5-21) in the Lesson 05
    folder inside Lesson Files-PsCS5 1on1.

Figure 5-21.

144 Lesson 5: Working with Layers

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