Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Change the opacity of several layers at once. New to Photo-
    shop CS5 is the simple, convenient ability to adjust the opac-
    ity of multiple layers at a time. In the Layers panel, click the
    Glass 1 layer and then Shift-click the Glass 3 layer to select all
    three glasses. Press the 7 key to reduce the opacity of all three
    layers to 70 percent.

  2. Change the opacity of Glass 2 and 3 layers back to 100 per-
    cent. That new feature is so great, I got carried away. I meant
    to reduce just Glass 1 to 70 percent. Click the Glass 2 layer,
    Shift-click the Glass 3 layer, and then press the 0 (zero) key to
    return the lower two glasses to 100 percent opacity.

  3. Turn on the visibility of the remaining layers. In the Layers
    panel, drag along the column to the left of the remaining lay-
    ers to turn on each layer’s and make each layer visible, as I
    did in Figure 5-24.

Figure 5-24.

Figure 5-25.

  1. Examine the vector mask in the Martini Hour layer. The third
    layer from the top features the Martini Hour logo, which I ren-
    dered using a vector mask. We’ll learn more about creating a
    vector mask in later lessons, but for now I want to show you
    how it works. Shift-click the vector mask thumbnail in the Lay-
    ers panel, and a big red X appears, indicating that the mask is
    temporarily not functioning in the composite (as in Figure 5-25).
    You’ll see your image turn completely white, because the other
    component of this layer is a dynamic fill that floods the image
    with white. When the vector mask is on, it limits that white
    fill to only the martini hour outline. Shift-click the vector mask
    again to restore it, and the contents of the lower layers once
    again become visible because the white fill shows through only
    in the area defined by the mask.

146 Lesson 5: Working with Layers
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