Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Figure 5-33.

  1. Adjust the gradient layer blend mode and position. Set the
    blend mode for the Dark Gradient layer to Multiply. The ef-
    fect still seems a bit dark, so double-click the Dark Gradient
    thumbnail in the Layers panel to bring back up the Gradient
    Fill dialog box. Drag from the rim of the second martini glass
    down across the h in hour, as shown in Figure 5-33, to move
    the gradient downward and lighten the top of the image. Then
    click OK.

  2. Add a new layer. Next, we’ll create a gradient stroke above the
    Special Guest text to set it off even further. Before we start, how-
    ever, I want you to make a new layer to house the stroke so that
    you can move or alter it to suit your whim. Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N
    (�-Option-Shift-N) to make a new layer and rename it on-the-
    fly. Name your new layer “Stroke” and click OK.

  3. Set the options for the rectangular marquee tool. We want the
    stroke to also have a gradient effect. The easiest way to make
    that happen is to draw out a marquee that’s the desired width
    and height of the stroke, and then fill it using the gradient tool.
    Start by pressing the M key to get the rectangular marquee tool.
    Change the Style in the options bar to Fixed Size. In the Width
    field, enter 2360 pixels and press Tab. In the Height field, enter
    a value of 4 pixels, as I did in Figure 5-34.

Figure 5-34.

Using Blend Modes and Specialty Layers 151

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