Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Change the text in a layer. Let’s say I want to change my usual
    tagline for Martini Hour, Time to Unwind, to honor this week’s
    venerable guest. In the Layers panel, double-click the thumbnail
    for the Time to Unwind layer to put the text in editable mode.

As I warned you at the outset of this lesson, if you don’t have the Rotis
Semi Sans typeface, Photoshop will complain. But for experiment’s sake,
click OK if you see the warning in Figure 5-43.

Photoshop will choose a typeface it finds appropriate; in my case,
it chose Myriad Pro, which looks okay to me. I kind of enjoy
the way it spreads across the starry sky. You’ll see the words in
the layer become active in the composition. Drag to select the
words To Unwind and type “Is Relative” in their place. Then
again in the Layers panel, click the text layer and watch as Pho-
toshop handily renames the layer according to the new text.
The result is the multilayered extravaganza you see in Figure 5-44.
If you want to save your work, press Ctrl+Alt+S (�-Option-S), give
your file a new name, such as “Martini with Al.psd,” and click OK.
In the next exercise, I’ll show you even more ways to mix and match
layers and layer styles inside a composition.

Figure 5-43.

Figure 5-44.

156 Lesson 5: Working with Layers
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