Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Scoot the Badlands layer downward 200 pixels. You can do
    this in a couple of ways:

    • Press Ctrl+Shift+� (�-Shift-�) twenty times in a row. Sounds
      ridiculous, but it’s pretty routine.

    • Press Ctrl+T (�-T) to enter the free transform mode. Then
      click the delta symbol (∆) in the left half of the options bar
      to turn on relative positioning, as labeled in Figure 5-46.
      Change the Y value to 200 pixels and press the Enter or
      Return key. Press the Enter or Return key again to accept
      the transformation.

Figure 5-46.
We’ve revealed 200 pixels of sky from the Thin Sky layer be-
hind the Badlands layer. The sky is dramatic, but the transition
between the two layers leaves something to be desired, so let’s
blend them with a layer mask.

  1. Load the Planet Arc mask as a selection. Go to the Channels
    panel and Ctrl- or �-click the Planet Arc channel. Or just press
    Ctrl+Alt+6 (�-Option-6 on the Mac). A curved selection that
    I’ve created for you appears along the horizon of our emerg-
    ing world.

  2. Click the layer mask icon. Return to the Layers panel and click
    the tiny icon at the bottom, indicated by the arrow cursor in
    Figure 5-34. This converts the selection to a layer mask, creat-
    ing a smoother transition between Earth and sky.

The mask appears as a thumbnail in the Layers panel, identical to how it
appears in the Channels panel. In fact, for all intents and purposes, you just
duplicated the mask from one location to another. Where the mask is white,
the layer is opaque; where the mask is black, the layer is transparent.

  1. Grab the brush tool in the toolbox. The problem with the
    curved mask is that it scalps away too much of the rocky cliffs
    in the central and right portions of the image. But because it’s a
    mask, you can paint the cliffs back. Press B to select the brush
    tool and then press D to ensure that the foreground color is
    white, the default setting when working in a mask.

Relative positioning

Figure 5-47.

158 Lesson 5: Working with Layers
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