Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Drag the white slider triangle. Drag the white Underlying
    Layer triangle to the left until the second value reads 140, which
    is when about half the clouds start to obscure the moon. This
    uncovers any color with a luminosity level of 140 or lighter.

  2. Again, add some fuzziness. This time, we have some wicked
    jagged edges. Press Alt (or Option) and drag the left side of the
    white triangle until the value reads 80/140. The clouds fade
    in and out of visibility, blending smoothly with the moon, as
    shown in Figure 5-55.

Figure 5-55.

Figure 5-56.

  1. Reduce the opacity to 40 percent. The Opacity value at the
    top of the Layer Style dialog box is identical to the one you see
    in the Layers panel. Click OK to accept your changes. The re-
    sulting moon appears in Figure 5-56.

  2. Select and show the Me on T layer in the Layers panel. This
    layer sports an off-center picture of me with one of Rapid City’s
    world-famous inaccurately rendered plaster dinosaurs. This one
    is supposed to be a tyrannosaur! The plaster T. Rex really exists
    and I am really sitting on it. (I didn’t have kids back then, so
    technically I wasn’t setting a bad example.) The only change I
    made to the image was to add the red mittens. The poor thing
    looked kind of chilly.

  3. Load the Dino Outline path as a selection. Go to the Paths
    panel. Press Ctrl (or �) and click the Dino Outline path to
    convert it to the selection outline pictured in Figure 5-57 on
    the facing page.

164 Lesson 5: Working with Layers
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