Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Increase the Amount value. Set Amount to the
    maximum value, 500 percent. This is a temporary
    setting that exaggerates the effect and permits us
    to see what we’re doing. We’ll rein it in when we
    get to later steps.

  2. Specify a Radius value of 3 pixels. Although Radius
    is the second value, we’ll play with it first because
    it’s really the linchpin of the sharpening operation.
    Like Unsharp Mask before it, Smart Sharpen simu-
    lates sharper transitions by drawing halos around
    the edges (see “Using Blur to Sharpen,” page 224). The
    Radius value defines the thickness of those halos.
    Thin halos result in a precise edge; thick halos
    provide a more generalized, high-contrast effect.
    A few examples appear in Figure 7-5.
    The best Radius value is the one you can barely see.
    What you will be able to see depends on how you
    will view your final image:

  • If you intend to display the image on screen
    (say, as part of a Web page or PowerPoint pre-
    sentation), enter a very small value, between
    0.5 and 1.0 pixel.

  • For medium-resolution printing, a Radius value
    of 1.0 to 2.0 pixels tends to work best.

  • For high-resolution printing, I recommend a
    Radius between 2.0 and 4.0 pixels.
    The examples in Figure 7-5 were printed at 356 pix-
    els per inch, so a 3-pixel Radius delivers the best
    edges. (For more information on print resolution,
    read Lesson 12, “Print and Web Output.”) A smaller
    Radius value will most likely look better on your
    screen, but for now, I’d like you to imagine that
    you’re going to print, so enter a Radius value of 3.

Use the up and down arrow keys to nudge the selected
value by its smallest increment: 0.1 in the case of Radius
and 1 in the case of Amount. Add Shift to nudge 10 times
that increment.

Lens Blur, Amount: 500%, Radius: 1.5 pixels

Radius: 3 pixels

Radius: 6 pixels

Figure 7-5.

222 Lesson 7: Sharpening and Smart Objects
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