Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Lower the Amount value to 300 percent. The
    Amount value controls the degree to which the
    image gets sharpened. Higher values result in
    more edge contrast. The effects of the Amount
    value become more pronounced at higher Ra-
    dius values as well. So where 400 percent might
    look dandy with a Radius of 1.5 pixels, the effect
    may appear excessive at a Radius of 3 pixels. An
    image exposed to too high an Amount value is
    said to be oversharpened, as is presently the case
    for our squirrels.
    Press Shift+Tab to highlight the Amount value.
    Then experiment with the setting by pressing
    Shift+� a few times, which lowers the Amount
    in 10 percent increments. Figure 7-6 shows a few
    examples. The top image is too harsh, the bot-
    tom image is too soft, and the middle one is just
    right. (Forgive my storybook analogy, but this is
    a storybook tale, people.) So do like me and set
    the Amount value to 300 percent.


Users accustomed to Unsharp Mask will notice one value
conspicuously absent: Threshold. Meant to avoid the
sharpening of grain, noise, and other artifacts, Unsharp
Mask’s Threshold option results in an either/or proposition—
an edge gets sharpened or it doesn’t—which may create
pockmarks in an image. I for one am glad it’s missing from
Smart Sharpen.

  1. Leave the More Accurate check box turned
    off. The Smart Sharpen dialog box ends with an
    improvement on Threshold called More Accurate.
    On first blush, you might assume you should turn
    on this option. After all, who doesn’t want a more
    accurate sharpening effect? But it’s a little more
    complicated than that:

    • Turn on More Accurate to burrow into the
      image and extract all the edges the filter can

    • Leave More Accurate turned off, as by default,
      to trace only the most pronounced edges.

Amount: 300%

Lens Blur, Amount: 500% Radius: 3 pixels

Amount: 100%

Figure 7-6.

Sharpening an Image 223

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