Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
If all this sounds a bit abstract, no fear. Over the course of the next
eight pages, abstraction will transform into brass-tacks practicality.
In the next steps, you’ll use smart objects to build a flexible project
that responds easily and quickly to your edits. It’s an exercise in
workflow enhancement, and a fun one at that.

Figure 7-9.

Figure 7-10.

  1. Open an image. Open the layered
    composition Glistenex ad.psd, in-
    cluded in the Lesson 07 folder in-
    side Lesson Files-PsCS5 1on1. Pictured in
    Figure 7-9, this document contains the
    beginnings of an advertisement for a new
    antibacterial soap, which features an image
    from iStockphoto’s Joshua Blake. We’ll
    simulate the all-too-common ritual of de-
    signing an image for a client only to have
    the image returned with a list of correc-
    tions. Thankfully, we will have assembled
    the composition using smart objects, so
    our response will be a calm and cordial
    “No problem, boss.”

  2. Place an Illustrator document.
    To import a file as a smart ob-
    ject, choose File→Place. Then lo-
    cate and select the vector-based Illustrator
    graphic Glistenex, which you’ll find
    in the Lesson 07 folder inside Lesson Files-
    PsCS5 1on1.
    Click the Place button, and you’ll see a
    dialog box titled Place PDF (for Portable
    Document Format), as shown in Figure 7-10.
    (Note that I set the Thumbnail Size option
    to Fit Page.) By default, Illustrator saves its
    native AI files with PDF encoding, which
    Photoshop needs to process the drawing
    as a smart object. Besides alluding to that
    fact, this dialog box is not much use to us.
    It confirms cropping and lets you select a
    specific page inside a multipage PDF docu-
    ment. But the cropping is fine and this is a
    single-page document, so there’s nothing
    for you to do besides click OK.

228 Lesson 7: Sharpening and Smart Objects
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