Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Accept the default settings, which are:

  • A color of black and a Blend Mode of Multiply.

  • An Opacity value of 75 percent.

  • An Angle of 138 degrees (already established as the global
    light direction).

  • Distance and Size values of 5 pixels.
    Click the OK button to create a slight drop shadow. The foreign
    object fits right in.

  1. Place a Photoshop image. Choose
    File→Place to import another file as
    a smart object. This time, instead
    of using vectors, we’ll place a pixel-based
    cartoon by artist Jason Woliner. Select the
    file named Germ.psd in the Lesson 07 folder
    and click the Place button. The germ enters
    our world big and scary, as in Figure 7-13.

  2. Scale and position the germ cartoon. The
    germ looks frightening, but he’s really too
    big to hurt anyone. Once again, we’ll scale
    and position the layer from the options bar.
    Click the icon to constrain the proportions
    and enter a W value of 25 percent. Change
    the X value to 250 pixels and Y to 350 pixels.
    Then press Enter or Return twice to com-
    plete the transformation. Again, Photoshop
    names the layer automatically and marks it
    as a smart object.

  3. Clone the Germ layer. Now the germ is the
    right size, but there’s just one of him. He needs
    some pals to form a proper infection. Good
    thing he’s a smart object, the only function
    in Photoshop that can give birth to an army
    of clones that all reference a single source
    image. To clone the little fellow, press the
    Alt (or Option) key and drag the Germ layer
    onto the icon at the bottom of the Layers
    panel, as in Figure 7-14. Or press Ctrl+Alt+J
    (�-Option-J on the Mac). Name the duplicate
    smart object “Germ 2” and click OK.

Figure 7-13.

Figure 7-14.

230 Lesson 7: Sharpening and Smart Objects
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