Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Transform the Germ 2 layer. With the Germ 2
    layer selected in the Layers panel, press Ctrl+T
    (or �-T). Note that the options bar remembers
    the last values we entered, specifically, the 25
    percent scaling. This may seem like a small
    thing, but where Photoshop is concerned, it
    borders on miraculous. It means that Photo-
    shop knows that this image is set to 25 percent
    of its full size. Change the W value to –35 per-
    cent and the H value to 35 percent. This en-
    larges the image and flips it horizontally. And
    because Photoshop is referencing the original
    artwork, the transformation is nondestruc-
    tive. Change the X and Y values to 1300 and
    510 pixels, respectively, to move the germ to
    the other side of the fellow’s head. Then press
    Enter or Return twice to accept the results,
    which appear in Figure 7-15.

Figure 7-15.

Figure 7-16.

  1. Clone the Germ layer again. Click the original Germ layer to
    select it. Then press Ctrl+Alt (�-Option on the Mac) and drag
    the germ down and to the left, to a comfortable position above
    the fellow’s hand. This clones the germ to a new location. Next,
    double-click the new layer name in the Layers panel and call
    it “Germ 3.” (There’s no rule that says you have to clone from
    the first smart object; we did it just for placement.)

  2. Warp the Germ 3 layer. We don’t want our
    three germs to look identical—they’re all
    individual infectors, after all—so let’s use the
    Warp command to give the third germ some
    personality. Choose Edit→Transform→Warp
    or press my dekeKeys shortcut, Ctrl+Shift+R
    (�-Shift-R), to surround the newest germ with
    a mesh, a grid with four square corner handles,
    which let you stretch the image this way and
    that, and eight round control handles, which
    let you twist and bend the image. Drag any of
    the control handles to bend Germ 3 to your
    heart’s desire. I found that pushing the middle
    of the germ’s face up and to the right gave him
    a nice 3-D effect. You can duplicate my choices
    from Figure 7-16 if you want, but there are no
    rules. When you achieve an effect you like,
    press Enter or Return to accept the results.

Working with Smart Objects 231

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