Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

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  1. Modify the filter settings. Suppose you decide that the image
    is too sharp. Given that you can see the model’s pores, bright
    edges around her hairs, and even a strong highlight line down
    the length of her nose, I think that’s a wise conclusion. Adjust
    the Smart Sharpen settings like so:

    • Reduce the Amount value to 300 percent. It’s not a tremen-
      dous difference, but it helps.

    • The edges are too thin for such a large image. So take the
      Radius value up to 4.0 pixels.
      When your settings look like those in Figure 7-28, click the
      OK button.

Figure 7-28.

  1. Open the Blending Options dialog box. Smart filters allow
    you to change the opacity and blend mode assigned to a fil-
    tered image, free of the time constraints associated with
    Edit→Fade. To display the blend settings, do one of the following:

    • Right-click (or Control-click) the Smart Sharpen entry in
      the Layers panel and choose Edit Smart Filter Blending

    • Double-click the tiny sliders ( ) to the far right of the
      Smart Sharpen item.
      Either way, Photoshop displays the Blending Options dialog
      box for the Smart Sharpen effect.

    Nondestructively Editing a Photo with Smart Filters 239

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