Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Along the way, you’ll encounter the occasional “Pearl of Wisdom,” which
provides insights into how Photoshop and the larger world of digital imaging
work. Although this information is not essential to performing a given step
or completing an exercise, it may help you understand how a function works
or provide you with valuable context.

More detailed background discussions appear in independent side-
bars. These sidebars shed light on the mysteries of color, bit depth,
resolution, and other high-level topics that are key to understand-
ing Photoshop.

A colored paragraph of text with a rule above and below it calls attention
to a special tip or technique that will help you make Photoshop work faster
and more smoothly.

Some projects are quite ambitious. My enthusiasm for a topic may
even take us a bit beyond the stated goal. In such cases, I cordon off
the final portion of the exercise and label it “Extra Credit.”

eXtRa CReDIt

If you’re feeling oversaturated and utterly exhausted, the star icon is your
oasis. It’s my way of saying that you deserve a break. You can even drop
out and skip to the next exercise. On the other hand, if you’re the type
who believes quitters never prosper (which they don’t, incidentally), by all
means carry on; you’ll be rewarded with a completed project and a wealth of
additional tips and insights.

I end each lesson with a “What Did You Learn?” section featuring
a multiple-choice quiz. Your job is to choose the best description
for each of twelve key concepts outlined in the lesson. Answers are
printed upside-down at the bottom of the page.

fuRtheR InveStIgatIOn

A “Further Investigation” marker includes information about further reading
or video training. For example, let me use this one to refer you to the lynda.
com Online Training Library. Oftentimes, I refer you to the Online
Training Library, which contains tens of thousands of movies, more than a
thousand of them by me. And all available to you, by subscription, every
minute of every waking day. Just to be absolutely certain you don’t feel
baited into making yet another purchase, I’ve arranged a time-limited back
door for you. Go to and sign up for the 7-Day Free
Trial Account. This gives you access to the entire Online Training Library. But
remember, your seven days start counting down the moment you sign up,
so time it wisely. Then again, if you find the service so valuable you elect to
subscribe, we’re happy to have you. You’ll be happy, too.

How One-on-One Works xxv

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