Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Change how the filtered effect blends with the original. If you
    look closely, you may see hot strands of yellow outlining the
    model’s hair, a function of the blue channel drifting slightly out
    of registration with the other two. To get rid of the hot yellow
    strands and reduce the effects of the filter overall in the Blend-
    ing Options (Smart Filter) dialog box:

    • Change the Mode setting to Luminosity. As you may recall
      from the first exercise in this lesson (see Step 10, page 227),
      this setting eliminates any color artifacts associated with
      the sharpening effect.

    • The image remains oversharpened, so take the Opacity
      value down to 40 percent.
      As Figure 7-29 shows, the result is a more natural blend of
      sharpness and softness. Click OK to accept your changes. If
      you later change your mind, just double-click the icon again
      and Photoshop will once again display the Blending Options
      dialog box, with your last-applied settings intact.

Figure 7-29.

240 Lesson 7: Sharpening and Smart Objects

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