Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Change the blend settings for the Shadows/Highlights ef-
    fect. The Shadows/Highlights command has a habit of dimming
    the colors in an image, regardless of the Color Balance value. To
    compensate, double-click the icon for Shadows/Highlights in
    the Layers panel. Then change the Mode to Luminosity and the
    Opacity to 65 percent, which restores the original colors and
    backs off the effect, respectively. Click OK to accept.
    The first two examples in Figure 7-39 compare the original image
    to the finished smart object. The changes are both subtle and pre-
    cise. Even so, it may occur to you that you could have achieved the
    same goal with less chicanery using static filters. Very likely, but as
    with any parametric modification, the advantage of smart filters is
    changeability. If I wanted, say, a higher contrast effect with more
    brilliant colors, I’d simply double-click the icon for the Shadows/
    Highlights filter, change Mode to Overlay, and reduce the Opacity
    to 35 percent, and I’d be rewarded with the last example in the figure
    below. Smart filters may be a bit overwrought, but it’s hard to object
    to anything that so willingly adapts to your every creative whim.

Original image

Result of smart filters

Last-minute adjustments

Figure 7-39.

250 Lesson 7: Sharpening and Smart Objects

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