Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

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Note that this book does not address every feature in Photoshop,
including the following: the Actions panel; changing pixel aspect
ratio for video; or any of the 3-D, video, medical, and architectural
features available in Photoshop CS5 Extended but absent from the
more affordable standard edition of the software.

fuRtheR InveStIgatIOn
If actions in particular are of interest to you, I have an eighteen-hour video
series that covers the wide world of actions, batch processing, droplets, and
scripting called Photoshop Actions and Automation. To gain access to it right
this minute, go to and sign up for your seven days.

I now invite you to turn your attention to Lesson 1, “Open and
Organize.” I hope you’ll agree with me that Adobe Photoshop CS5
One-on-One’s combination of step-by-step lessons and video intro-
ductions provides the best learning experience of any Photoshop
training resource on the market.

xxviii Preface

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