Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Employ the pucker tool on her midsection. Increase the Brush
    Size to around 350 pixels and click a few times on the model’s
    belly to reduce the bulging that’s caused by her posture and
    blowsy shirt. You don’t need to perform major digital liposuction
    surgery (although the pucker tool is great for that); just make
    her tummy appear as it would if she were sitting up straight.

The pucker and bloat tools in Liquify have opposite effects. As such, if you
hold down the Alt (Option) key while using either, you get the opposite
effect. In other words, you can bloat an area on-the-fly by holding down Alt
(Option) while you’re using the pucker tool.

  1. Apply a freeze mask. Our next step is fairly drastic: We’ll at-
    tempt to turn her head upright. Before we start, we’ll use the
    Liquify tool to protect areas that we don’t want affected by our
    “liquifications.” Select the freeze mask tool from the Liquify
    toolbox, and paint a protective shield over everything below
    the model’s neck, as I did in Figure 8-18. You don’t need to be
    pretty about it, just quickly cover the entire area.

Figure 8-18.

Freeze mask tool

Area to be protected

272 Lesson 8: Transform and Distort

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