Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Load a preexisting mesh. Once you’ve saved a mesh,
    you can load it on your next visit to the Liquify dialog
    box and resume your work. This useful feature also
    provides me with a way to share with you my particular adjust-
    ments for this project. Press Shift-Ctrl-X (Shift-�-X) to once
    again open the Liquify dialog box. Click the Load Mesh but-
    ton, navigate to the Lesson 08 folder, and select the file called
    Head Upright.msh. Click Open, and give Photoshop a moment
    to implement the settings.
    You’ll see that I made some further adjustments to her face,
    pushing it more upright after straightening her neck. I also used
    the pucker tool on her ankles, and extended her pants down a
    bit on her knees with the warp tool. While these kinds of trans-
    formations are undoubtedly a matter of taste, you can see that
    the Liquify command can take you wherever your particular
    whims suggest. Figure 8-21 shows how the Liquify command
    has taken our model from frumpy to perky.

Figure 8-21.

Before Liquify After Liquify

Using Liquify to Fix Posture and Appearance 275

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