Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

aBOut thIS leSSOn

Before beginning the exercises, make sure
you’ve downloaded the lesson files from,
as directed in Step 2 on page xvi of the
Preface. This means you should have a
folder called Lesson Files-PsCS5 1on1 on
your desktop (or whatever location you
chose). We’ll be working with the files in-
side the Lesson 09 subfolder.

This lesson examines the Photoshop tools and features that are of
particular use to professional photographers or serious amateurs
who want professional results. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to:

  • Use Adobe Camera Raw to adjust white balance
    and other exposure settings............ .page 296

  • Perform selective edits in Adobe Camera Raw... .page 313

  • Change hue, saturation, and luminance
    in raw files...................... .page 317

  • Stitch images together to create a panorama.... .page 322

  • Use HDR Pro’s power to create striking photos that capture
    extreme shadows and highlights.......... page 328

Project files

Adobe Camera Raw is a separate utility that allows
you to process images captured in the raw format
by sophisticated cameras. In this video lesson, I’ll
develop a raw file right before your eyes, bringing
out detail and color that don’t appear to be there
at the beginning. I’ll also demonstrate some of the
newer features in Camera Raw: automatic noise ad-
justment, targeted adjustments, and the ability to
save multiple variations as snapshots.
To see camera raw in action, visit
go/deke-PhotoshopCS5. Click the Watch button to
view the lesson online or click the Download button
to save it to your computer. During the video, you’ll
learn these shortcuts:

video lesson 9: exploring Camera Raw

OperationWindows shortcutMacintosh shortcut
Open in Camera RawCtrl+R �-R
Move to next numerical value fieldTabTab
Move in Preview windowspacebar-dragspacebar-drag
Get target adjustment toolTT
Open Saturation subpanelCtrl+Alt+Shift+S �-Option-Shift-S
Open Luminance subpanelCtrl+Alt+Shift+L �-Option-Shift-L

294 Lesson 9: Pro Photography Tools

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