Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Select all four images. Even though Camera Raw is a plug-in
    (meaning it has to run in a host program), it’s an independent
    utility with its own tools, options, and benefits. One of the fea-
    tures that sets it apart from the rest of Photoshop is its ability
    to apply corrections to multiple images at a time. The vertical
    filmstrip displays the four images you selected in the Bridge as
    in Figure 9-7. To modify all four images at the same time, first
    click the Select All button at the top of that filmstrip or use the
    Select All shortcut, Ctrl+A (�-A).


The colors captured by a camera (as well as those we see in real life) are
typically a function of light reflecting off the surfaces of objects. (The
exceptions are objects that emit light, such as, well, lights.) As a result, those
reflected colors are informed by the color of the light source. This source
defines the color of white because no light-reflecting object can be whiter
than the source. Hence, the color cast of the image is the direct result of
the color of the light source. This relationship between the color cast of the
scene and the color of the light source is known as white balance. I explain
how you address white balance in the next step.

Figure 9-6.

Figure 9-7.

Adjusting White Balance in ACR 299

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