Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
You may have noticed the Auto button above the Exposure slider.
Use Auto to have Camera Raw assign its best-guess values to the six
exposure settings. (To apply Auto from the keyboard, press Ctrl+U or
�-U.) Like Photoshop’s Auto Color command, the Auto button fails
about as often as it succeeds. You can always try the Auto settings first
and then make your adjustments.

  1. Sharpen the image with the Clarity slider. Clarity increases
    the contrast along edges. In other words, areas of rapid contrast
    become more rapid still, which has the effect of sharpening the
    image. For this image, a Clarity setting of +50 provides nice
    edges without going overboard.

  2. Adjust the Vibrance and Saturation settings. The final two
    sliders in the Basic panel let you modify the intensity of colors
    in an image. In reverse order:

    • The Saturation value increases or
      decreases the intensity of all col-
      ors across the entire image—the
      flesh, the fabric, the background,
      everything. Overdoing it with the
      Saturation slider can result in garish
      colors, especially in the skin tones.

    • Vibrance changes color intensity
      more selectively, affecting the low-
      saturation colors more than the
      high-saturation ones. A heavy hand
      with the Vibrance slider can give
      you rough transitions because not
      all the colors are boosted evenly.
      For this image, set the Vibrance value
      to +70 to bring out the lovely red shade
      of Megan’s hair and play up the purple
      in her sash. Then set the Saturation
      to +10 to pump up the colors without
      overplaying them. The results are dis-
      Figure 9-14. played in Figure 9-14.

Figure 9-15.

  1. Choose the straighten tool. Because a handy checkerboard grid
    appears on either side of the subject of this image, it’s fairly ob-
    vious that the image is slightly crooked. Camera Raw has you
    covered for fixing this problem. Start by selecting the straighten
    tool in the toolbar across the top of the window (highlighted
    in Figure 9-15) or pressing the A key.

310 Lesson 9: Pro Photography Tools
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