Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Both are great features, but I find the graduated filter tool easier to
control. Which is why I advocate on its behalf in this next exercise.

  1. Open an image. From the Bridge, navigate to the Les-
    son 09 folder inside Lesson Files-PsCS5 1on1. Then
    double-click the Raw Images subfolder, select the
    image called Carscape.dng, and press Ctrl+R (�-R) to open it
    in Camera Raw.

  2. Select the graduated filter tool. Select the graduated filter tool
    from the top of the Camera Raw interface. Or press the G key.

  3. Define the size and angle of the graduated adjustment. Drag
    from the bottom-left corner of the image up and to the right, to
    about a half inch above the horizon line. A green circle marks
    the beginning of your drag, and a red one marks the end, as in
    Figure 9-19. If your circles and lines look less like those in the
    figure than you would like, no worries. Just drag the green and
    red circles, or the dashed line between them, to make adjust-
    ments. You have now isolated the bottom half of the photograph.

Figure 9-19.

314 Lesson 9: Pro Photography Tools

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