Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. Switch to the Luminance subpanel. To appreciate the amazing
    powers of the final set of options in the HSL/Grayscale panel,
    we need a great big sky. So click the Big sky.dng thumbnail in
    the left-hand filmstrip. Then click the Luminance tab to call
    up eight more sliders, which vary from one brightness extreme
    to the other.

  2. Darken the sky. The photograph has a stark elegance, but
    the texture is a bit flat. To heighten the drama, I suggest we
    deepen the sky by moving the Blues slider down to –80. The
    before and after versions of the image in Figure 9-26 show the
    dramatic difference this one simple change makes. You can see
    it for yourself by toggling the Preview check box off and on.

  3. Click Done, because, well... on so many levels, we are done.

Figure 9-26.

Unaltered skyLuminance, Blue: –80

Note that Camera Raw works with TIFF and JPEG
files as well, and while you wouldn’t have the range
of information that you would with a raw file, such
a workflow has its advantages for these types of
files. Camera Raw is logical and capable, and you
can apply lots of modifications from one dialog
box. Additionally, unlike Photoshop, Camera Raw
lets you modify multiple images in one fell swoop.
And of course, every modification you apply in
Camera Raw is nondestructive, so there’s no need
to commit to permanent pixel modifications.

HSL and Grayscale 321

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